Walked around Lexington in Murray Hill yesterday. Noticed a couple new Indian restaurants, but decided to try Tamil Nadu Bhavan that I’ve seen a while and their menu of Thalis that look pretty neat. I wasn’t expecting much. But once my Bombay Thali came out with that huge puffed roti and I dabbed a little in one of the curries, it was on like Donkey Kong. Amazing. Only $6.95. I’m a big fan of tasting a little bit of everything and I got it –with the sweet, the spicy, the creamy cool. I don’t know what I was eating (Bombay Thali: Rice, poori, chana saag, gobi masala, bhindi masala, shrikhund, bhajjia …um, okay) but it was good and I was stuffed.

Service was very attentive. I would take one sip of water and the guy would refill it. He refilled my cup about eight times. I don’t think I ever got past the half way point.

One of the best meals I’ve had lately. I should post a list of the best stuff I’ve eaten. I’d like to revisit those memories.

Tamil Nadu Bhavan (CLOSED) – 102 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10079

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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4 Responses

  1. South indian

    Ola! Mightysweet,
    In addition to your post I was wondering Tamil Nadu is a State in Southern India. It is a state rich in art and culture and its roots run back to over two centuries. Chennai, one of the four metropolitan cities of India, is the capital of Tamil Nadu. Tamil, one of the oldest languages in the world is spoken by 89% of the population in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is famous for its temples; the Dravidian Architecture used to create these temples is unique and brilliant. This is one of the main reasons for this state being the second largest tourism industry in India.


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