My first time eating Roast Beef Hash. It’s not as salty as Corned Beef Hash. I think I like it. I can season just the way I want it, whereas Corned Beef can be a little too salty sometimes straight from the can. I learned from Rob the Bruce that you need to have a decent amount of oil in the pan to crisp it up just right. And I learned from Alton Brown that you want to wiggle it around the hot pan while creating a crispy crust so it won’t stick. That was from his fish show.
Skillet Face is Roast Beef Hash, two sunnyside eggs for eyes, tator tots I mashed up and Sriracha hot sauce for bloody lips.
2 replies on “Roast Beef Hash Skillet Face”
[…] Why haven’t I heard of this before? It’s pancake & waffle batter sprayed out of a can. It’s one of America’s Most Promising Startups. Time to go to pick one up …at Wholefoods? I need to think of my own invention out of a can …corned beef hash smiley faces? […]
Such a cool idea! Thanks,