Matt invited me to the Brooklyn Based Holiday Meatup last night at the Bell House. The event where everyone is there to pickup chicks or be picked up. I didn’t wake up that morning knowing that I was supposed to make out with random strangers. If I did, I would have worn my Air Jordans.

I was a little confused when I got there. I thought it would be a show or something. Then I realized it was a bunch of people standing around talking and wondered if I just paid $15 to hang out with Matt. But we found it really easy to make new friends, especially with the whole name tag system. They were doing porn names (first name: your first pet; last name: the street you grew up on). I didn’t have a pet growing up, so I imagined I would name him Johnathan …”Johnathan Lake Sue” I was. Girls kept asking, “You really named your pet Jonathan?” …”I wish.”

Some guy tried to AMOG me when I was talking to some girls. He came up and said my name tag sounded gay. It was really bad. So I just admitted that my dog was gay. Then he had to walk away.

The other thing that really helped people meet each other was they were handing out cards of other people’s names. You had to find them and you’d both get a free drink. I had to find “Pepper Hollycreek.” It was fun game and even girls would walk around with me trying to find her. I eventually exchanged my card for a new one and got “Molly Dixon,” who I soon found through her friend that came up to me. I think her friend was trying to put her hand down my back pocket, but I wouldn’t have it. Not until we go steady.

They were serving Asia Dogs, hot dogs with an Asian twist (i.e. kimchi, bulgogi, banh mi style). Looks like they travel from the Bell House, Trophy Bar, Brooklyn Flea, etc. I got the WangDing – Chinese BBQ Pork Belly and Onions. The lady said it was her mom’s Char Siu (BBQ Pork) recipe. It was good. $4 for the regular hot dog and $5 for the organic ones that are a lot bigger.

I went back in for the dance party and had a good time. At that point, a girl that looked like Sharkira said she’d have me only if I knew how to surf. So I did my Keanu Reeves/Point Break impression. I guess it didn’t work, because I’m looking at my photos and see that Matt and I ended up at Bark Hot Dogs. Got there right at closing. They were kind enough to make us a couple dogs. The hot dog had a really nice snap to it.

So the BK Holiday Meatup was fun. Easy to talk to girls that want to be talked to. There was about 75% girls and a lot of guys who looked uncomfortable. There was a 70 year-old man who wandered around looking lost. I’m wondering if he was looking for the girl with the name tag he was given.

Asia Dog – check their site/twitter for where they are
Bark Hot Dogs – 474 Bergen St (btw 5th Ave & Flatbush) Brooklyn, NY 11217

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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