I stopped over at the DERANGED FAN music video shoot in the Lower East Side and manned the keg. That was pretty fun. I acted like the bartender and I think I was pretty good at it. It doesn’t seem like hip hoppers drink beer much though, so it was easy …and tough because I felt like I had to help empty the keg.
So afterwards, I dragged my drunk ass over to try Baohaus (that Yoshie raved about) to fill my stomach up. I got into a conversation with one of the brothers of the Chinese bun shop. We made the connection of both being from Orlando and from families of Chinese restaurateurs. He knew of my family and even though I suspected they were somewhat important to the history of Chinese American food in Central Florida, I never thought about it much. It now makes me want ask my parents questions.
So as I went on talking to Evan from Baohaus, I felt like my dad when I saw him talking to strangers about the restaurant business. I know now that I have a food blog, my dad has kinda sparked interest in talking about food when I see him that one time a year. But it’s still tough …father and sons talks.
I ordered the Chairman Bao ($7.95 for two. Braised slow and low using Niman Ranch Pork Belly. Served with: Crushed peanut, cilantro, Haus Relish, and Taiwanese red sugar). The bun was nice and pillowy …and with the meat, it made a delicious snack for a drunk guy.
I don’t know how long I went on rambling, but they seemed to close on the early side. I suppose it’s not much of a late night spot. Before I left, they told me about the Chinese New Year Dinner. Sounds pretty good. They’re mother is coming in to help cook.
There’s a great post on the Baohaus blog —“We are not the Flying Dragon Lotus Panda Face Killah.” It’d be good for all reviewer/bloggers to read. It makes a good argument for the trendy hipster spots that are making higher priced food normally thought of as being cheap (i.e. Chinese dumplings) …and for those who question an ethnic food’s authenticity if it’s not in a small hole in the wall. I know I’ve been guilty of making the comparisons (i.e. Rickshaw Dumpling, M. Noodle Shop). If I can add anything: Sometime it’s all gonna have to change. The kids of the Chinatown restaurants have all become lawyers and engineers. No one to take over the shops. Chinese immigrants are fewer because they can get better jobs in China. Perhaps it’s the best time for the new hipster foodie revolution to stick their foot in the door. Now’s your time to shine.
Baohaus – 137 Rivington St (btwn Norfolk & Suffolk) Manhattan, NY 10002