Went out with Ramen and Friends to try out the new Ramen Kuidouraku, which used to be a Ramen Setagaya. The place pretty much looks the same and they used part of the front window sign –the “Ramen” part. Unfortunately, I can’t say it taste the same. If anything, I recommend throwing in more fatty pork and maybe less corn. Something about corn in a bowl of milky brown soup looks backwards if it’s about to go in me.
Ramen Kuidouraku – 141 1st Ave (btwn St Marks and 9th St) New York, NY 10003
Read Ramen and Friends’ review
2 replies on “Ramen Kuidouraku”
GASP setegaya gone?! i think this is the first time your blog has made me sad….(despite the poetry of that last line about being backward)
…yeah, sad and horrifying (last line).