After the Ramen and Friends baby shower, I just had to stop by Checkers in Brooklyn Heights to relive my college days riding my bike home with a 99cent Spicy Chicken Sandwich. It isn’t 99cents anymore, at least at this New York location. I suppose it’s understandable, since I’m thinking back 8 years ago in Gainesville, Florida. At $2.69, it’s not as memorable as it was back then or at the Atlanta airport, when we missed our plane because I couldn’t find the Chic-fil-A.

What was memorable was the Fully Loaded Fries. Checkers seasoned fries with cheddar cheese, bacon and ranch dressing. Hot dang. This is one big pile of awesome-mess. I think it ended up tasting like a Wendy’s baked potato with the same fixings. Makes sense.

Checkers – 111 Court St (btwn Schermerhorn & State St) Brooklyn, NY 11201

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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11 Responses

  1. Melinda

    Checkers fries are AMAZING! The best fast food fries ever, but they closed all the ones around Chicago. :((

  2. Heather

    Nobody beats checkers fries. Not even close. Lucky for me theres a checkers down the street. HA!!

  3. Mike

    This is DISGUSTING. Its the ranch dressing. No substitute for sour cream, TERRIBLE…

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