For the SONIC Drive-In Ice Cream Social and lunch box goodie prizes, here are the best three submissions …out of a record-high three submitters. They are pretty rad.
From C. Marie: “Here is my drawing of all my friends if they were all women eating ice cream in a field at sunset listening to Ghostrider by Suicide. The flavors are Vanilla, Pistachio, Strawberry, and Hazelnut. I painted it on a piece of resume paper I found on the ground because what else would I use it for?”
I like the story behind this. I can’t believe the dog eats Pistachio!!
Double submission from BaconDevil:
If I was the size of a Bacon Devil, I guess I would also bath it in a sundae. But would I really make out with it? …What flavor?
And finally, from someone who is to remain anonymous:
Thanks for your drawings and thank you SONIC for the prizes.
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