Hollywood called and asked me to make this video about myself several weeks ago. I haven’t heard back from them in a while. I can only assume they picked someone with cooler hair. I really thought I was going to be the next Guy Ferarri.
…thanks to Matt, Dan and Sam for helping fulfill my dreams.
that was awesome. is that my shirt?
I love your site and all the great food you direct me to. I think you totally have the personality and looks for hollywood!
Sweet, Jason! I’m really happy for you that you’re being recognized for this awesome blog
Stay hungry!
Thanks Agnes & Melinda! Appreciate it.
Jason, you are so awesome! I grew up in Scotland and until we moved to America when I was 15, I thought adventurous eating was getting the country eggs breakfast at the local diner. I love NYC and everytime I go I spend hours wandering around trying the amazing foods! You are right about the price, too, for 20 bucks you can graze all day long! That Chinese sandwich you had looked incredible! I will totally try one next trip! Take care buddy and I hope Hollywood gives you your own show, Jason Lam, Food Guy!
Also, I think you are really cute!
Thank you.