At $3.59, I guess you’re paying for the convenience.

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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17 Responses

  1. Tio Wally

    When I was a kid my mom would mix ketchup, mustard and mayo, and claimed it was the same as Jack in the Box’s “Secret Sauce.” I don’t know if it is really the same but I still make it occasionally to dip fish sticks in. A nice addition to it is Sriracha sauce for a little kick.

  2. Nik

    In the UK the ketchup-mayo mix is known as ‘burger sauce’ and is great with chips (fries) or on Turkish kebabs. It is widely available in the south but in the north they prefer gravy with their chips!

    • Jason Lam

      oh that’s interesting …with Turkish Kebabs. I don’t think they give us a sauce for that here in NY.

  3. Nick

    I’ve been mixing mayo and ketchup since I was a little kid and I always dreamed about being able to buy it in a bottle perfectly pre-mixed. I even though of a name for it. “Metchup.”

  4. Christie

    Where did you see it in NYC! We need to buy this fancy sauce! It’s not in my Goya sections anywhere that I’ve seen yet!!

    • Jason Lam

      This was at my local C-Town (Graham stop on the L train – Williamsburg, Brooklyn). But I haven’t seen it there since. I could use some right now for my boca chicken nuggets.

  5. Patrick

    In my family, we’ve been mixing mayo and ketchup (with a dash of paprika and parsley) for years each time we eat chinese fondue. Sooo yummy!

  6. Chris

    In Utah and Idaho this is called “Fry Sauce” it usually has a little bit of Worcestershire sauce mixed with the mayo and ketchup. So if you go to Utah just ask for Fry sauce when you get a burger and fries at most of the local burger joints.

  7. Lori

    I won’t give away my exact recipe due to a pending patent on it but I mix ketchup, mustard, and mayo. I’ve always done this and use it as a dip for fries and as a burger sauce. The secret to the sauce is using the right base ingredients. If you use say the wrong brands it won’t have that creamy stick to your ribs consistency. The flavor profile will also be off. It has taken me years to perfect but it’s so good I have ate it by itself. Hope to have it on store shelves soon.

    • Jason Lam

      That’s funny. My roommate just talked about bottling his own fancy sauce, but I’m sure that’ll never happen. More Fancy Sauces need to be on the market for sure. You should make it happen!

  8. Moises

    I am debating and telling folks this is not Russian dressing! Where’s the chives, pimientos and horseradish?! Thank you very much. I grew up putting Mayo Ketchup on my foods from time to time!


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