I’ve always wanted to try a balut egg (Wikipedia: “A balut is a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell.”) Luckily the East Village is thriving with three new Filipino restaurants. I went to Krystal’s Cafe 81 on 7th St. Balut is two for $5 or one for $3. I had to have a few drinks before and this is what happened…
I haven’t watched this video and kinda don’t want to. But… I remember it tasting like a chunk of boiled pork on a hard boiled egg. There was a rubbery piece on the bottom. The slurping of the soup when I first cracked it had a nice brothy flavor. Apparently, it’s just boiled with nothing special, so I was surprised at the flavor of the juice. I kinda wished I pulled out the embryo to see if there was a shape of a body, but maybe it was good I didn’t and just chomped down on it.
The young Filipino guy next to me said he used to eat these everyday …preferably with developed with feathers, but no way if there were bones. Thank goodness I had the bartender and this guy guide me through. I’m glad I did it.
I also ordered the Pork Adobo, which was super tender. I bet the sauce would be fantastic on rice, but I’m avoiding white carbs in my current diet. Buffing up.
By the end, I was a little tipsy, weak from being carb-less and my breath smelled like fertilized duck embryo. Then I was late to my blind group date via this new dating site Grouper. I had a good time. I remember was there was a labyrinth.
Krystal’s Cafe 81 - 81 E 7th St (btwn 2nd & 1st Ave) New York, NY 10003
6 replies on “I ate a Balut Egg (VIDEO)”
No offense… But I almost puked!
I watched the video fully expecting a couple of suppressed gags followed by a full stomach purge via a world-class display of projectile vomiting. Curiously, now I can’t figure out if I’m relieved or disappointed. Additionally, unless the shooter was using a zoom, that was a heroic piece of videography. Seriously, that had the potential to turn really ugly toot sweet.
Good God! I just noticed you went to a blind date with fertilized-duck-embryo breath. Very classy. You scored big, no doubt.
I’m sure it tasted good, like duck, but I just can’t wrap my head around
the thought of it. You’re braver than I am.
Don’t think I’d be up for trying that, but I’ve been so curious with these new East Village restaurants popping up. You’re more adventurous than me!
Thanks. Sometimes it’s easy if you close your eyes or had a couple of shots right before.