Day 10 of the Shonali tour: On our way back home from Tennessee and so glad we stopped at a Waffle House. That was on my wishlist. I got my favorite thing –Double Hashbrown All-The-Way (scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, dice, peppered, capped, topped, country …or onions, cheese, ham, tomato, jalapenos, mushrooms, Bert’s Chili, and sausage gravy).

I should have considered going Triple hashbrowns. It’s only 30cents more. Probably the best deal in upgrades. Although I’m confused with paying for “All-The-Way” ($4.00) or paying for each topping separating, which by my math is $3.20.

Anyway, I love Waffle House. Our waitress was nerding out with me on the new Virgin Mobile phones.

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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4 Responses

  1. Obbop

    Waffle House has changed over the years and in my suitable-for-framing opinion, not for the better.

    Their menu has been altered and not for the better.

    Sure, prices have increased but so have most prices for everything.

    BUT… Waffle House used to have basic breakfasts suitable for a big-eating blue-collar working man that were truly filling.

    Gimme’ several eggs and pancakes. A pile of biscuits with ample gravy with hunks of mystery meat embedded. A pile of hash brown on a separate plate since the main plate has run out of room.

    Good luck finding THAT at Waffle House nowadays.

    I miss the “good old days” when Waffle House was the best deal around. It isn’t anymore.

    I quit entering the place and find MUCH better deals and grub at local non-chain joints.

    Likely just a matter of, yet again, corporate greed harming the masses and themselves.

    As folks realize the better economic deals and food quality/quantity exist at local Mom-and-Pop eatin’ joints I expect Waffle House to decline into eventual stagnation and to disappear from the scene.

  2. Nicholas

    I heard on the radio recently that FEMA uses something called The Waffle House Index (something like that) to judge the various levels of damage after a natural disaster because the Waffle House so reliable NEVER closes. If the Waffle house is closed, that area needs help first. It was the hardest hit. If they are operating with limited services or menu items, they are next on the list. If the Waffle House is open, your part of town can probably wait a while. Isn’t that fun?

  3. Big Daddy James

    Wanted to help you out with the “All The Way” pricing on the hash browns:

    Regular Hashbrowns $1.55 + (8 toppoings X$0.40=$3.20) = Total Cost $4.75.

    Regular Hashbrowns “All The Way” = Special Price Only $4.00, saves you $0.75 cents. You forgot to include the base price of $1.55 for the hashbrowns in your scenario.


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