Dang, last night I went to see Mike Tyson’s one-man show on Broadway –“Undisputed Truth”. It was really good.  He pours his heart out and did a great job. It was interesting to watch, since I’ve been recently taking acting classes and practicing my speech and voice with workbooks. Tyson pushes himself to be open and daring, outside of his comfort zone on stage …that inspires me in my work, even in food blogging. And even though Tyson doesn’t have the best speech and voice (although I can tell he’s been working on it), he’s able to still communicate and connect with the audience. That gives me a lot of hope and better understanding that you can always work with what you got.

There were a lot of empty seats. And tickets are still available for the last final shows through this Sunday night. I recommend checking it out if you have the time and money. http://tysononbroadway.com/

I was kind of drunk and hungry leaving the show. Mike Tyson had a fancy car waiting for him to leave and a bunch of people standing at a guard rail on the sidewalk waiting to take his photo like paparazzi. It was a funny scene because it’s on the sidewalk and people like me need to cross it. I went to the corner and I saw Ruby Foo’s. I’ve heard of that restaurant. I think I read that that Tim Tebow ate there or someone else famous.

Entrees looked kind of pricey for certain things, like Pad Thai for $22 …but most of them were in the $20 range. I sat at the bar because they had the Olympics on and plus there were two chicks sitting there. I asked the bartender which was better, the Salmon or the Peking Duck? He was like “eh…” To simplify, “Which one is more popular?” He said neither are popular. No one really orders them. So I asked which dish was the ordered then. He said the General Ruby’s Chicken. I looked to see what that was —Chicken and Broccoli with Peppers. I thought to myself, “Oh shit, this is like an Olive Garden or fancy Applebees.”

I went with the Peking Duck ($22), because I didn’t think $21 Chicken and Broccoli sounded like it was worth it. The duck was pretty good. I was surprised there were no bones, except for the drumsticks. But that really shouldn’t be that surprising at a place like this. The meat was good and tender. Lots of that crispy skin that went well with the hoisin sauce. The bad was the overcooked limpy scallion and the tortilla-like pancakes. I wish they gave me steamed fluffy bao-style bread.

Ruby Foo’s ain’t too bad. But walking away, I thought it was a chain restaurant. But one that I’ve never been to …and I’m from Orlando. Now that I look it up, it isn’t a chain. The only location is in Time Square. But it is owned by BR Guest (Blue Water Grill, Dos Caminos, Wildwood BBQ). So I guess it makes sense in that fashion.

Ruby Foo’s - 1626 Broadway (btwn 49th & 50th St) New York, NY 10019

…Now that I think about it, I think I went to the old one that used to be in the Upper West side years ago when I first moved here. It was one of my first dates. I remembered liking it because you could get Chinese food and Sushi. I was young. I think my date was pissed by the end of the night …not because of Ruby Foo’s.

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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