Just as I was wondering what kind of drinks I could get at this Saturday’s Global Citizen Festival (Neil Young, Black Keys, Foo Fighters concert in Central Park), I got an email that they’ll be serving this punch in the VIP section. Crafted by Nick O’Connor from Apotheke bar (Chinatown). Cool, I can’t wait to get wasted.
…not to sound so super cool for having VIP tickets. I just bought them because I was too lazy to Facebook Like the concert to get in for free. Plus I feel like I’m really paying for access to the VIP restrooms. That’s worth the $$$ to me.
Starr Fair Trade Punch
2oz. Starr African Rum http://www.africanrum.com/
1oz. Blended fresh blueberries
1/2oz. Fresh lime juice
1/4oz. Agave nectar
1/4oz. Ginger syrup