The night before Veteran’s Day was pretty eventful. I know I drank a lot, but what I can remember is that I went to the opening reception of Japanese pop artist Takashi Murakami’s new exhibit at the Gagosian Gallery. I’ve never seen so many hipsters and Asians in one place since I looked in the mirror.

01 Takashi Murakami NYC 2014

I love Murakami’s work and this was some awesome stuff. Now I have a question. If it’s free to see his art, how do they make money? Murakami or the gallery? Do they sell this stuff? And who has the space in their NY apartment to hold these gigantic sculptures?

Then I went to Housing Works to check out the Night School: Lowbrow Lectures, where they talked about things like “The Quantum Mechanics of Time Travel in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure,” “Hello Kitty is a Cat: A Polemic,” “The Ron Swanson of the 18th Century,” and “The Complete History of Cats on the Internet.” I remembered getting pissed off at the guy who made fun of Tim Tebow with an animated GIF of the football bouncing off Tebow’s head to make a point about time travel. What a dick.

Then I headed back to Bushwick and hung out at Cobra Club for quarter of Monday Night Football. Then ended up at The Bodega where there was more football. I got a the Basic German Sausage (Grilled Krainerwurst from Ridgewood’s Karl Ehmer, served on pretzel roll with sauerkraut and chips $8). It was really good. Cam Newton wasn’t.

06 The Basic Sausage - The Bodega Bushwick

The Bodega – 24 St Nicholas Ave (@ Troutman St) Brooklyn 11237

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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One Response

  1. tio wally

    It took me awhile to figure out why every time I looked at the photo of that sausage I’d get wide-eyed and start drooling. It is nothing short of bald-faced (in a casing, with sauerkraut) FOOD PORN. Good job!


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