My video, How To Make a Turtle Burger, returns to the Food Film Festival on their opening night (Best of a Decade). These Food Food Festival night are awesome. You can get crazy drunk with all the unlimited booze. Plus there’s a lot of food to eat throughout. A good time to take a date or something.
Opening night info:
Thursday, October 20, 2016
7:00pm 10:30pm
AMC Empire 25
234 West 42nd Street
New York City
Also check out their other nightly events:
Turtle Burger just sounds so cute! 🙂 merupakan klinik aborsi jakarta tempat menggugurkan kandungan yang bertanggung jawab penuh dalam tindakan aborsi dan pelayanan terbaik bagi pasien. Memiliki Beberapa Dokter Spesialis Kandungan dan tindakan aborsi di ditangani Oleh 2 Dokter SpOG serta 4 Team Medis bersertifikat, profesional dan berpengalaman dalam bidang tindakan Aborsi atau kuret serta menjamin legalitas keberhasilanny
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