I’ve heard of the plate yourself, soul food by the pound buffet Manna’s in Harlem. But I never made the connection that the place in Bushwick was the same restaurant. They actually have seven locations. This one is huge. It’s probably as big as a Duane Reade.
$4.99 a pound. My plate came out to $9. I didn’t realize I loaded it on.
Most everything was pretty good –the oxtail, smothered pork chops, curry goat and sides. The pigs feet was rubbery and didn’t do anything for me. I found a curly hair in the meatloaf, but it was probably the best thing. So I ate around it.
Manna’s Restaurant -Â 829 Broadway (2 blocks from Woodhull Hospital)Â Brooklyn, NY 11206
…their website is soulfood.com. That’s a pretty good catch.