Dang, I had a great time at the NY Food Film Festival once again. Strengthened relationships and made many new friends. Everyone really stepped it up this year on their films. But it sure is worth submitting. If you get your film in, the parties (screenings) you get to attend are so awesome. It concluded with an Oyster Roast in Williamsburg. I loved it. The Bulls Bay Oysters are so good.
Other things I really liked at the festival —Brooklyn Star Fried Pig Tails, Wild Hibiscus Flowers stuffed with Goat Cheese, and Saxon and Parole Fried Oysters.
Congratulations to all the filmmakers and the festival crew for continually making my life a party. Thank you.
This was my film, “Deep-Fried Tofurky: A Thanksgiving Miracle”
Deep-Fried Tofurky: A Thanksgiving Miracle from Jason Lam on Vimeo.