I was planning on staying home all week after work and getting real work done. No drinking. No carbs. No camera. But Shonali texted me to meet at Eataly with Jasper and Jeff, which is right next door to my office. I guess I should say hi. It would be rude of me not to.

Then it turned into a beer at the beer garden, pizza and beer at Tappo, beer at UCB Theatre to see Michael Che and Nimesh Patel, whiskys at Molly Wee’s Pub, then another dinner and beer at the John Dory Oyster Bar. It was so good.

We had a lot of different stuff. A tray of oysters which we all touch, but it turned out it belonged to another table. We had to put the oysters back on the tray. Then we got a even better tray that had a lobster on it.

Looking at this photo, I see we had octopus, lobster roll and a few other dishes.

01 John Dory Oyster Bar

I thought the most amazing thing were the Parker House Rolls. They looked like like 2 regular dinner rolls that had some kind of glaze on it. I think it was sweet and buttery if I remember correctly. And I loved dipping it in the green butter sauce they had. I’m not sure if it was meant to go with that or the lobster, but it was on the same plate as the bread. I would be happy if you could get a basket of those rolls and that green butter sauce as an entree. I would be really fat too.

And then we had this dessert. Shonali was kind of enough to send me photos from her phone.

02 Dessert - John Dory Oyster Bar

The John Dory Oyster Bar – 1196 Broadway (@ 29th St) New York, NY 10001

About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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One Response

  1. Stinky Goldberg

    You should stop playing the fool when you post photographs of yourself. No tongue sticking out, foolish faces, grimaces, etc. Don’t do it in your videos, either.

    Try to cultivate a more memorable and unique public persona. I think you will eventually get a job as a food critic, media personality on something like “The Food Network”, or similar, where you will be highly paid.

    Don’t project a public image as a jackass. Dream up something that is mediagenic, ala certain Japanese celebrities, for example, and start molding yourself into it.


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