fast food

The Last Night in New Orleans

After Vietnamese food, I met back up with Jody & Christa at Harrah's casino. We walked around for an hour trying to figure out how to play. The machines wouldn't take our dollar bills. Then we figured out t...

White Castle’s Sweet Potato Fries

There's a sign up for White Castle Sweet Potato Fries. Dang, that's a lotta calories. Pretty decent sweet potato fries. They gave me some Sweet Cinnamon Dipping sauce that was gross. I got used to it though and...

Nathan’s Famous’ Hash Brown

Rusty, Sam and I hit LaGuardia to make our way down south to Louisiana. I picked up a hash brown at Nathan's Famous --mostly because it was a lot less calories to their regular Egg Sandwich. How does a potato p...

Checkers’ Fully Loaded Fries

After the Ramen and Friends baby shower, I just had to stop by Checkers in Brooklyn Heights to relive my college days riding my bike home with a 99cent Spicy Chicken Sandwich. It isn't 99cents anymore, at least...

Burger King Ribs Now on Sale

The BK Fire-Grilled Ribs I previewed back in February is now on the menu at participating Burger Kings nationwide for a limited time. These are real bone-in ribs and from memory (because I'm too lazy to read my...