its deluxe food market revisited. they have a pig head sitting next to the cash register. to show off? the curry potatoes not as tasty as the first time. next time ill order the pig head....
stumbled upon the deluxe food market in chinatown. its a grand foodbloggin experience. everyone is chinese. after paul mckenna made me confident, i stand up and say "bahk fahn" and "yut gah". otherwise i have...
this blog is turning into homestyle china lunch blog. but makes sense because me so hungry. this time you pick 3 items $5.50 or 4 items $5.75. the server sees me shoot pictures of fish so he thinks i want fish ...
finally went to the restaurant where i didnt know how to order. sucked it up and acted chinese. what did that mean? i get lunch for $4.50. sam who is japanese pays $5.00 for less food. i learned what it means t...
friday is bagel day at work. i pick a piece of stuff off a bagel and wasnt sure if it was plastic or glass. my friend says why would you pick the bagel with something that could be glass. i say because its the ...
someone put funny signs up to the deserted half built condos next door. my blog is the new curbed?
for lunch i want to try place next to good dumpling but still cant figure out how to order. back to good dum...