
I Drank Eight Espressos and I’m Wasted

I went to a Nespresso event at the Nespresso Boutique in Soho. A really chic looking place. They were showing off their new Pixie espresso machine. The thing is ready to squirt you out some as quick as 25 secon...

Matouk’s Calypso Sauce

Bought this bottle for $6 at De Hot Pot. It's so good. Caribbean thick hot sauce. Sweet and super spicy. Rusty tried to make something like this before, because his Trini co-worker told him about it. We didn't ...

Hello Kitty Snack Pack

Sam Shady got me this pack of Hello Kitty snacks, exclusively sold in Japan (at least that's what the package says). I forgot how he got it. I've been sitting on it for a long time. I was waiting until I got my...

Ryan sent me Hot Sauce and an Alligator

In exchange for an East Met West Chinese Take Out Calendar, Ryan sent me some hot sauces from a Florida flea market. The little Alligator toy scared me when I opened the package. I've had Rectal Rocket Fuel bef...

This Week in Crazy Burgers

What's up with this week in my Inbox and Comments section?: Crazy Novelty Burgers! Alright Cool! Nick from assembles his own Japanese McDonald's Mega Tamago Burger. He goes 2x! ...Dude. ...