asian treats

Godiva’s Year of the Horse Chocolates

When I was a kid, I remember Godiva being the real fancy shit at the candy counter at Sears. I think I got my mom a Godiva bar for mother’s day or something. It was a big deal, because she loves Godiva chocolates.

Now I’m wondering if Godiva is some kind of popular Asian/Chinese thing …because I was invited to their corporate headquarters for a tasting of their new chocolate by a publicist that focuses on Asian Americans. Plus most of the media and bloggers there were Asian. Also the new chocolate is a limited edition Chinese New Year “Year of the Horse” collection. Last year, they apparently made a Mooncake one.

I got there late and missed the presentation. So I didn’t know what was going on. I drank quite a few of the Godiva chocolate martinis to catch up and had some of the new chocolates –Dark Caramel Pear, Milk Cherry Almond, White Pineapple Macadamia. Pretty fancy stuff.

Their office is really nice. It has a soft serve machine with Godiva chocolate in it. I’ve never used a soft serve machine before and I didn’t realize you had to pull the handle down all the way. It looked really funny watching little squirts and splats hit my cup.

I could have sworn there were a few couples on dates at this event. They were sitting at the small tables and it totally looked like they were on a date. I think I’ve been doing this food blogging thing all wrong. I need start bringing some Tinder dates with me.

I just looked at the gift bag they gave me. It had a bunch of Godiva branded red envelopes that you’re supposed to fill with money (lai see) and hand out to kids for Chinese New Year for good luck. I think I’m going to send my mom the box of Year of the Horse chocolates. She’d be thrilled …because it’s Godiva and she’s Asian.


Hello Kitty Chocolate Marshmallow

Sam got me a whole bag of these Hello Kitty Chocolate Marshallows from Sunrise Mart. I was like why? I don’t eat sweets. He said they were on sale.

Three interesting observations:
– 6 pieces is one serving …and it’s only 110 calories for all that.
– When you bite it in half, it looks like Hello Kitty’s butt with poop coming out.
– Why would someone want to something that looks like Hello Kitty? …or her butt?

Pretty cool though. Low calorie.


Dunkin’ Donuts Heart-shaped Doughnuts

They give these out at work today …just like the commercial.

Dunkin Donuts Heart shaped Valentines doughnuts

I asked everyone if they wanted to eat my doughnut after I took a bite. I just wanted a bite. They told me to get a knife. I said it would taste better if I bite it. They told me to bite the piece I cut off. I cut through and butchered three donuts looking for the one with Bavarian Creme. Serves them right.


Pringles Cinnamon & Sugar Chips

Chris brought back several interesting flavored Pringles chips that he found at a Target in Philly. A gift to Sam. He’s a fan of this stuff. I guess also a gift to me too because I get to try them and blog them.

This day, we tested out the Cinnamon & Sugar flavored Pringles. Right when you pop them in your mouth, it really hits you like you are about to eat a holiday Cinnamon Sugar cookie …but it’s a salty potato chip. It’s interesting. I kind of like it. It’s like am I eating a holiday cookie or a potato chip? I don’t know.

I thought it was interesting that it looks like the Copyright info is written in what I think is Arabic. I’ve never seen anything like that. My best guess is that it’s saying it’s Kosher or Halal or something.

UPDATE: Oh yeah. I meant to say “churro!” It tastes like a churro. I forgot. Not Holiday cookie. Although it sort of does. I meant churro! That’s what you get when you blog a few days later and drunk.

More to flavors to come!


Cacao Noel Chocolate Truffles

Someone brought these Noel Chocolate Truffles to Bonnie’s Hanukkah party. Dang, these were really good. I usually don’t eat sweets, but dang. I liked these. Very rich and Tasty.

The party had a lot of drinking. I remember Justin threw our fake rat in the air and a girl freaked out. Then he through a smaller toy mouse at her and she freaked out. I thought I could diffuse the situation by throwing one of those Jewish Chocolate Coins at her. But she freaked out and ran out of the apartment. She didn’t even get her jacket. Dang, I feel so gelty.


Crazy Japanese Kit Kat Flavors

I came to work today and at the front desk was this big variety gift box of Japanese Kit Kats –courtesy of Sam’s business trip to Japan. The flavors were:

  • Edamame-Soybean
  • Pear
  • Blueberry Cheese Cake
  • Shinshu Apple
  • Hot Japanese Chili
  • Brown Sugar Syrup
  • Strawberry Cheese Cake
  • Wasabi
  • Red Bean Sandwich
  • Cinnamon Cookie
  • Matcha-Green Tea
  • Hojicha-Roasted Tea
  • Citrus Golden Blend
  • Strawberry
  • Purple Sweet Potato

Wow crazy flavors …or maybe more that they’re uniquely Asian.

I stood around there with a few of my co-workers trying a bunch of them. They were interesting. A lot of them you’d think would be insane and weird like the Red Bean Sandwich or the Hot Japanese Chili, but the flavors weren’t overpowering. So they weren’t that bad. Still very much a Kit Kat, but a hint of whatever flavor they are.

I kind of liked the Hot Japanese Chili Flavor. It tasted like chili dark chocolate, where the heat kicked in a bit later in the back of your throat.

Green Tea flavor was good. Might sound weird if you never had Green Tea Ice Cream. But if you have, you know it’s a pretty good flavor in sweets.


Hunter × Hunter (Anime) Cookie

Chris gave me one of these Hunter × Hunter cookies at work. I think one of the Japanese clients brought them to our office as a gift. I never heard of Hunter × Hunter, but it’s some anime/manga series.

For some reason, I was expected it to be like a Thin Mint. But it turned out to be a small hard chocolate chip cookie. Kind of like the kind you used to get from McDonald’s in a rectangular box back in the day. I don’t think they still sell those anymore. They now have soft-baked cookies.

I remember the last time I got a box of those McDonald’s Chocolate Chip cookies was when I was a kid on a field trip to Washington DC. My best friend John, growing up through Elementary School, ate them when I was asleep. I made him walk up and down the hallway saying “I’m an idiot!” over and over as punishment. We fell out of friendship in the years after. I’m not sure why. We were best friends for years. The only reason I can think of is the cookie incident. But I’m sure we just grew apart like most people do. I recently found out he’s a NY Times bestselling author.


Nasto’s Olde World Ice Cream Cake

Carmen brought this ice cream cake to the party all the way from Newark, NJ.  She said it was so cold sitting on her lap all the way to Brooklyn. It’s from a place where her dad used to take her when she was a kid –Nasto’s Olde World Desserts. I wonder if Cory Booker eats there.

Nasto’s Ice Cream – 236 Jefferson St. Newark, NJ 07105