Fat Kid Loses His Noodles
I only post this because I remember the days when I was a fat boy throwing fits, tossing a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese value meal at the clock.
Thanks Jimmy Tran for the link
Elvis Presley Painting with Cheese Puffs on Velvet
Here's a rad video of someone making a velvet Elvis portrait with Cheetos. When I was four I thought I was the reincarnation of Elvis Presley. True story ...Not that I was, but I thought.
link via Lost At E ...
Brokelyn.com’s Scary Food From the Mad Man Era
This is a pretty cool article with photos of food from Betty Crocker’s "Dinner in a Dish" cookbook 1965. Thanks Todd.
link via brokelyn.com
Tuberculo Gourmet 29 Raymond Pozo
I saw this on a friend's Facebook. I think it has to do with food.
Il Fornaretto Bread at the Tombstone Store
I passed by a tombstone inscription shop in Williamsburg and noticed in the front window that they are now selling fresh baked bread. How interesting. As I walked in, there was a smiling young lady to greet me....
Holy Mc-aroni! The Mega Tamago!
I just saw this on Facebook. Three beef patties, egg, bacon, cheese --McDonald's Mega Tamago sold in Japan. 846 calories ...Not as bad as I expected. I'd like to substitute one of those beef patties for sausage...
Children’s Paradise
A random creepy shop you could pass by when you are on a food bloggin adventure.