Here’s a new food truck that stopped by near Union Square when I was walking around looking for leather gloves. I know it’s unusually warm this time of year, but why is it always hard to find winter stuff in the winter? Everyone is selling Spring stuff now.

Anyway, this monster of a truck was pretty cool and dynamic looking …kinda like a big mechanical bull.

I ordered the Pork Pastor Tortas Sandwich (Pork Tenderloin marinated in their three chiles sauce). It was a nice clean looking and clean tasting sandwich, much to do with the bread and the nicer cut of tenderloin. A non-greasy sandwich that would probably do well with the general office crowd. However, it still had that zing with their authentic style red sauce, which got all over my face and fingers and coat and jeans. That’s a good thing.

It was a decent sandwich that could probably use some stringy white Oaxaca cheese, but did get good when I bit on the jalapeno.

Mexico Blvd Food Truck -


About The Author

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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