rusty makes his famous ham. the secret is patience, discipline, and heart. ...but mainly goya adobo.
i make a new invention --jason lam's carb casserole. first layer is pizza wif mole sauce and mexican fie...
rusty gets myspace message from a russian fan asking if justice of the unicorns is playing this weekend in ny. somehow this turns into two russian girls crashing over, todd buying smirnoff ice, and rusty making...
someone put funny signs up to the deserted half built condos next door. my blog is the new curbed?
for lunch i want to try place next to good dumpling but still cant figure out how to order. back to good dum...
short day at work. free popcicle from gossip girl truck. i take all the trader joe grocerys that are about to go bad. new invention: green curry guacomole wheat spaghetti meatball pea carrots. guacamole goes wi...
i make mexican fiesta with trader joe burrito, guacamole, salad, hash brown. rusty make own bloomin onion/awesome blossom. joey say "whoa". and rusty play justice of the unicorns this saturday night at s...
i plan blogging darlenes because i always eat there when playing knitting factory. do sound check with tigers and monkeys. come back out and closed! maybe good thing? last time rusty got $6 grilled cheese and i...