
Raspberry Flavoring comes from Beaver Anal Glands?

I was partying hard the other night at Susie’s birthday. One of her friends brought these awesome doughnuts from Dough in Bed-Stuy. I couldn’t stop eating them. I liked the Raspberry ones particularly. Then Jody was like, “Dude, raspberry flavoring comes from Beaver anus glands!” I didn’t believe him, but then he showed me all these links on his phone. It’s true. It’s even confirmed on

I was wondering why don’t they just use real raspberries? It seems like it would be a lot easier.

Well, I’m pretty sure (or at least hoping) that these doughnuts used the real thing. Anyway, I kept eating them.

Raspberry Doughnut - Dough

More links on Beaver butt Raspberry flavoring.