
Surprise Japanese Candy

Sam got these Japanese Candies (Hida No Warubobo Wanted). I don’t know if that’s an anime/manga/cartoon. I couldn’t find any info. But the bag of candy is interesting. There are five pieces of hard candy …one of which is spicy. So I guess it’s kind of like a Russian Roulette style of eating candy. We all took a piece and ate it at the same time. Surprise! Sam got the spicy one.


Hello Kitty Chocolate Marshmallow

Sam got me a whole bag of these Hello Kitty Chocolate Marshallows from Sunrise Mart. I was like why? I don’t eat sweets. He said they were on sale.

Three interesting observations:
– 6 pieces is one serving …and it’s only 110 calories for all that.
– When you bite it in half, it looks like Hello Kitty’s butt with poop coming out.
– Why would someone want to something that looks like Hello Kitty? …or her butt?

Pretty cool though. Low calorie.

product video

Ring Pop Gummies Review!


Crazy Japanese Kit Kat Flavors

I came to work today and at the front desk was this big variety gift box of Japanese Kit Kats –courtesy of Sam’s business trip to Japan. The flavors were:

  • Edamame-Soybean
  • Pear
  • Blueberry Cheese Cake
  • Shinshu Apple
  • Hot Japanese Chili
  • Brown Sugar Syrup
  • Strawberry Cheese Cake
  • Wasabi
  • Red Bean Sandwich
  • Cinnamon Cookie
  • Matcha-Green Tea
  • Hojicha-Roasted Tea
  • Citrus Golden Blend
  • Strawberry
  • Purple Sweet Potato

Wow crazy flavors …or maybe more that they’re uniquely Asian.

I stood around there with a few of my co-workers trying a bunch of them. They were interesting. A lot of them you’d think would be insane and weird like the Red Bean Sandwich or the Hot Japanese Chili, but the flavors weren’t overpowering. So they weren’t that bad. Still very much a Kit Kat, but a hint of whatever flavor they are.

I kind of liked the Hot Japanese Chili Flavor. It tasted like chili dark chocolate, where the heat kicked in a bit later in the back of your throat.

Green Tea flavor was good. Might sound weird if you never had Green Tea Ice Cream. But if you have, you know it’s a pretty good flavor in sweets.


Pumpkin Spice Hershey’s Kisses

Sam also shared these Pumpkin Spice Hershey’s Kisses. The bag was tough to open, so I gave it a good pull and the bag broke. Now he has to put them in another bag.

These little kisses were awesome. They tasted like Pumpkin Pie …and I was just thinking how I would love to have a slice of pumpkin pie.


White Chocolate Candy Corn M&M’s

Sam shared these new holiday M&M’s at work today –White Chocolate Candy Corn. I don’t remember the last time I ate candy, but I know I never liked Candy Corn. I hated getting them in my sack of Halloween candy. I never understood them. So why would you want to ruin M&M’s like that?

Well these tasted more like White Chocolate than it did Candy Corn, which is good. But the center still looked like the white parts of Candy Corn. I guess it’s a good novelty though.

I just thought of a really bad idea —Circus Peanut Reese’s Pieces. I don’t like Circus Peanuts.

…I just realized that M&M’s and Reese’s both have apostrophes. But why does M&M’s have one? Aren’t they M&Ms? They aren’t possessive. They just are.


Flaming Cherry Tomato Candy

This week, I’ll be posting things I’ve found in my bedroom while cleaning up…

This is the last of the interesting candy I found –Flaming Cherry Tomato Candy. Or what I think is Cherry Tomato and I guess the flames mean it’s spicy. It’s some kind of dried fruit. It tasted kind of like a sweet date. I don’t know. It’s hard to judge this stuff when it’s four years old in the couch cushions of your basement/bedroom.

product treats

Botan Rice Candy

This week, I’ll be posting things I’ve found in my bedroom while cleaning up…

I remember eating these Botan Rice Candies when I was kid. There’s two wrappers, one made out of rice that you can eat. Melts in your mouth. I don’t know why they have the outer plastic wrapper if you’re going to have a rice wrapper. I wonder if Jeremy Lin ate these when he was little.