Recently, one of my favorite cheap lunch spots (2 Bros Pizza Plus –see Jerk Chicken, see Pizza, see Ribs, see Fish and Chips) raised the prices mostly 25cents on each dish. Pizza slices are still $1. Still a really good deal though.
The guy behind me in line was “Oh man, they raised their prices? Why did they do that?” I turned around and looked at him like “yeah, I know. Right?” Then he kept asking me seriously, “Why did they do that?” He really wanted me to explain to him why they raised their prices 25cents. He couldn’t understand why.
Then the guy in front of me pointed at the Fried Chicken and asked if that was the Baked Chicken. Then he asked which one was the Baked Chicken. Then he got the Fried Chicken.
It was strange. These two men did not look old, poor, or stupid. They looked like me. …Oh shit.
2 Bros. Pizza Plus – 601 6th Ave (btwn 17th & 18th St) NYC 10010