
Chicken Fried Steak Fried Chicken

…Rusty Fried Meats


The Dollar Store of Restaurants

passed by 2 bros pizza plus which looks like mario and luigi or what my next door neighbor called “super merrio brahs”. everything is a dolla. pizza a dolla. fried chicken’s a dolla. sides are a dolla. i remember the first time i went into a dollar store, i was confused because nothing had pricetags …and i’d keep bringing stuff up to the cashier to ask how much it was. now you have these 99cent stores in new york, but nothing is 99cents. it all costs something else.

…anyway everything at 2 brahs is $1, except jerk chicken. it’s $2 dolla.

and got to check out pulse park in madison square park. lights all set up on the lawn and pulse at night. i can’t figure how to play it. it’s like mario brahs for the first time.

2 Bros. Pizza Plus – 601 6th Ave (btwn 17th & 18th St.) NYC 10010
Pulse Park – Madison Sq Park until Nov 17th

crazy night restauranting

Boyz Night Out @ Hooters

when going to hooters everyone always ask –how are the wings? forget wings, there are hot chicks in short shorts. i run into chris bachelor party wing eating contest. congrats.

my boys eat wings, beers, mexico fries and cheer michael phelps. somehow hooter girls think its my birfday. they sing and bring me chocolate cake. im dancing when they cheer. i blow candle to make wish …”i wish it was my birfday!”

we go to bikini bar. jimmy asks asian girl if she is polish. i laugh. then later i really do think she is polish. dancing at bar13! yeah boi!!

Verdict: hooters have wings, beers, and mexico fries! best day of my life!

Hooters – 211 W 56th St (Btwn Broadway & 7th Ave), New York 10019