breakfast fast food

McDonald’s All Day Breakfast. Fuck Yeah!

Tonight, I got an Egg McMuffin because I could and because the L train was down. And when I took pics of it, the crackhead lady in front of me thought I was taking photos of her. Then I went outside and a homeless dude threw up next to me. And I saw a clueless girl trying to cross the street and unaware that she was about to be run over by an ambulance with its siren on. She was staring at her phone. To top it off, I saw a bro riding one of those faux “hoverboards.” ‪#‎AllDayBreakfast‬

Egg McMuffin All Day Breakfast McDonald's

Also I saw a girl run into the subway train at the last moment, but she dropped her pizza slice on the floor. We made eye contact a few times. She smiled at me. Then I looked away and she seemed sad for the rest of the trip. #MissedConnections