My sister took me out to her favorite NY spot –fancy pants Balthazar. She claims it isn’t that fancy, but it’s pretty fancy to me. I just keep thinking how my roommate Rusty met up with his friends there in sweatpants and they were too embarrassed to go in with him. So maybe it’s not so fancy pants, just a French bistro. We started off with the Foi Gras Mousse and had the special Seafood Bouillabaisse and $38 Steak Au Poivre with pommes frites and spinach. It was a lean cut of meat. I think I should have gone with the fattier (tastier) cheaper steak. Something about the vibe at Balthazar made me want to namedrop all meal long. I wonder if the Sex in the City type girls next to us thought we were total douches.
Balthazar Restaurant – 80 Spring St (btw Broadway & Crosby St) New York, NY 10012