
We Deep Fried Tofurkys

I tried to find a Popeye’s Cajun Fried Turkey, but they were all sold out in my area. Fortunately, Dan wanted to deep fry a Tofurky. It was a Thanksgiving miracle.

Video coming soon. [UPDATE: HERE’S THE VIDEO!]


Blimpie Sushi

Yesterday, I asked on the Serious Eats forums what I should eat for Groundhog’s Day …or Lost season premiere. One person mentioned Setsubun (Japanese bean-throwing ceremony), which is today. I asked Yoshie about this.

Yoshie: its insane. one person becomes “oni” (evil spirit) and we throw soy beans at them
me: whoa
Yoshie: and then we eat big rolled sushi (not the kind we eat here, only veggies and stuff) facing certain direction. you have to eat it in one bite

So I went to the Blimpie downstairs that has sushi. Yeah, it’s a weird combination. The place also has donuts. The sushi (Inaka Sushi) is actually a separate entity from Blimpie and has been there for a few years now. It’s surprising because I don’t think they get much business.

When I looked at their selection, the chefs were eager to help. Nothing has changed from the first couple of times I tried them when they first open. Not meaning that the sushi was three years old, but meaning they were very friendly, accommodating while seemingly eager for business –like Babu and his American restaurant when Seinfeld first walked in.

I picked the fattest sushi they had, Futomaki ($4.90). I enjoyed it. Surprisingly, it’s really not bad sushi for being in a Blimpie. I can’t say it’s great sushi, but everything considered. I hope they get more business. I feel like Jerry and want to help. What would he do? Make the suggestion of making subs or move into a Yoshinoya?

I told Yoshie about my Blimpie sushi. She tells me you have to eat it whole –uncut roll in one bite.
Yoshie: …but if they are cut, you lose the luck
me: crap. I just ate it.

Inaka Sushi – 67 West 23rd St (btwn 6th and 5th Ave) New York 10011


Halloween Jacko-Meringues

Revisiting a photo of Rebecca Lambrecht’s awesome Halloween-decorated meringues from last year’s Halloween.

homemade partying

Ike’s first Thanksgiving

The biggest day of the year for foodbloggin. I was hoping to re-enact the new Vince Vaugh/Reese Witherspoon movie “4 Christmases” and have “4 Thanksgivingses”. Realistically it wasn’t going to happen with all the turkey and liquor… plus I hadn’t seen the movie and don’t know all the crazy comic antics. Went with the party at Sam’s and it was surely a feast. So much food. Maybe next time half the people need to be randomly banned from bringing anything.


Party Prep – Thanksgiving 08′

Another recipe that came into my dreams the night before the party –Six Layer Potato & Green Bean Casserole. 1) layer pit of mashed potaters. 2) layer of green bean casserole. 3) layer of asparagus stalks. 4) layer of scallop potatoes. 5) layer of crumbled chips and green onions. 6) garnish with pimento stuffed olives.

The original plan had seven layers with tator tots, but couldn’t figure where to put them. Maybe on the side next to the olives, seasoned with furikake. Got it!


Thanksgiving in a Sandwich

I walked in on Kevin at work and his lunch smelled pretty dang good. He points me towards Cosi where they have Thanksgiving in a sandwich. I don’t even know if it’s on the menu. I just told them to make me one. It’s turkey, cranberry sauce & stuffing. It seems to be missing some mashed tators, gravy and pumpkin pie.

crazy night partying restauranting

The Great Pumpkin

four co-workers, a bike messenger, and a foodblogger walk into an office and try to finish an extra keg of heineken. maybe not too smart to start so early on a big night of partying. dave and i try to sober up at the vietnamese restaurant under the bar i loved to karaoke at. a lot of food.

party time at rebecca & ross’ and then more dancing at robert’s penthouse. many treats and plenty of tricks. i came as batman from the suit i won at an art show auction. i was the only bid at $600 when the opening bid was five. yeah i was pretty drunk. when i took off the mask, i turned into a jonas brother. then i put on a giraffe tail i found under the couch and wore diana’s headband with a picture of a ghost. people thought i was casper the friendly ghost or ghost-head. no, i’m batman.

L’Annam – 121 University Pl (@ 13th St) NYC 10003

this is my batman costume. i didn’t go full force on halloween though. my thigh muscles have gotten too big.

concert/event partying

4Kids Halloween

office party. terron shows me how to eat munchies. you get one of each chip/cheeto/pretzel and eat all at once. it’s a party in my mouth. a mouthy party. darrens spinach dip is tasty. i discovered that if you take a salt and vinegar chip and dip it in darrens dip, it takes like the bk whaler. maffei’s pepperoni pizza reminds me of my elementary school rectangle pizza. now everyone remembers those rectangle pizzas. but were they really the same? like we both see blue, but maybe your blue is my orange. anyway my next big money business plan — open my restaurant of spinach dip bk whaler chips, honey butter chips, and rectangle school pizzas.

over to kenny’s castaway where we played the closing ceremonies for the imagine science film festival. had a lot of fun. i think rusty and i held it together even though i know we were partying hard beforehand.