backyard bbq homemade

Spaghetti Dinner Spectacular & Hot Kielbasa

christa & jody host a spaghetti dinner party in greenpoint. i created a musical in college called “spaghetti dinner spectacular”. there were songs about love, tragedy, murder, and garlic bread.

i go to the polish sausage shop across the street, not the one where you can get hot kielbasa. the young polish girls yell at me for taking pictures. they thought i came in there before who they yelled at then. i wasn’t upset at being yelled out, but was a little disappointed some other foodblogger beat me to the punch.

danny makes bloody marys. christa makes molinaro sauce. rusty and i grill meat on the veggie grill. jody makes a studio in the basement. it’s almost like my musical. spaghetti was great. thanks for the hospitaliano!

Staropolski Meat Market – 1053 Manhattan Ave Brooklyn, NY 11222


Party Prep

rusty makes his redneck chili. i use psycho-cybernetics to create a dessert recipe in my sleep –chili pumpkin pie. bottom layered with mole sauce. pumpkin pie filling with haberno sauce. it turned out pretty good. kind of like spicy hot chocolate with that heat and spice that seeps up your throat like you threw up a little, but in a tasty way.


Me So Hungry announces endorsement of Barack Obama

fish fry for obama. we cheer on the debate. sauce it up with texas pete.


The Day After

rusty and i went back to the bar to pick up the tv. ended up staying for a few bloody marys and beers. i wish i had my camera with me. rusty looked like a crackhead strolling down the street with a big tv on top of a granny cart. good thing i was walking with him to make him look normal. or did he make me look like a crackhead’s friend?

we came back to all the stuff our friends left behind at the party. decided to make dinner out of it. rusty doesn’t want you to notice he is wearing the same outfit as the day before. so dont mention it.


Party Prep

rusty makes his famous ham. the secret is patience, discipline, and heart.  …but mainly goya adobo.

i make a new invention –jason lam’s carb casserole. first layer is pizza wif mole sauce and mexican fiesta cheese. then mash potato and egg noodles w/ mexican fiesta cheese. third layer is cornbread stovetop stuffing. bake it off with mexican fiesta cheese. glenn gives me a good idea for version 2.0 –top fourth layer should be tator tots for a nice crispy crunch. i agree. i was almost going to put steak taquitos on top but that would be too ridiculous and not atkins free.

crazy night homemade

In America, you eat gruel. In Soviet Russia, gruel eats you!

rusty gets myspace message from a russian fan asking if justice of the unicorns is playing this weekend in ny. somehow this turns into two russian girls crashing over, todd buying smirnoff ice, and rusty making gruel. it was actually not bad tasting.


Ape School Breakfast

ape school came to ny. ate burritos at grand morelos. rusty and ape school made breakfast.


Chef Chinolam: Green Curry Guacomole Pasta

short day at work. free popcicle from gossip girl truck. i take all the trader joe grocerys that are about to go bad. new invention: green curry guacomole wheat spaghetti meatball pea carrots. guacamole goes with green curry pasta. meat ball goes with green curry pasta. meat ball does NOT go with guacamole. like monty hall paradox?