It’s Memorial Weekend and it reminds me that people are having backyard BBQ’s. These photos are from Ross & Rebecca’s Kentucky Derby/Cinco De Maya/Hinkle Birthday party.
When I got there, Ross had these pretty awesome ribs out. Although my compliment was rather insulting, when I said there were parts that I liked where it tasted like Beef Jerky.
By the way, my fellow foodie Dan Delaney is getting a lot of press for his upcoming BrisketLab. Pretty cool. Can’t wait. I got my order in for a pound.
Aaron made this pretty tasty hot sauce paste for the R&R BBQ. I like it. Let me see if I can get a recipe to post.
Rebecca made this Pecan Pie. I usually don’t eat sweets, but I had two slices! The next Top 10 Pastry Chefs in America Awards and Dessert Tasting is coming in about a week. I need to prepare.
I made this Men In Black Mashup to celebrate this Memorial Weekend. Here come the MIBs!