Day 10 of the Shonali tour: On our way back home from Tennessee and so glad we stopped at a Waffle House. That was on my wishlist. I got my favorite thing –Double Hashbrown All-The-Way (scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, dice, peppered, capped, topped, country …or onions, cheese, ham, tomato, jalapenos, mushrooms, Bert’s Chili, and sausage gravy).
I should have considered going Triple hashbrowns. It’s only 30cents more. Probably the best deal in upgrades. Although I’m confused with paying for “All-The-Way” ($4.00) or paying for each topping separating, which by my math is $3.20.
Anyway, I love Waffle House. Our waitress was nerding out with me on the new Virgin Mobile phones.