
Elvis Presley Painting with Cheese Puffs on Velvet

Here’s a rad video of someone making a velvet Elvis portrait with Cheetos. When I was four I thought I was the reincarnation of Elvis Presley. True story …Not that I was, but I thought.

link via Lost At E Minor

burger travel

Burger King Ketchup & Fries Chips

Found this bag of Burger King Ketchup & Fries Chips at a gas station in California. Tasted like thick Pringle chips with dried ketchup on it (in the form of powder seasoning).
01 Burger King Ketchup & Fries Chips02 Burger King Ketchup & Fries Chips

lunch takee outtee

An Choi’s Banh Mi & Guss’ Pickles

Vietnamese sandwich shops popping up everywhere. An Choi has a tasty sounding one, Banh Mi Thit Heo Quay – Chinese Crispy Roasted Pig chunks of moist chinese roast pork belly and slivers of crispy skin $8. It was a pretty solid Bahn Mi, but the vegetable weren’t quite pickled and the pork belly wasn’t as fatty and melting in mouf as I had hoped. I think this version caters to a safe American taste which I’m not sure what that means …but not too spicy, not too pickled, not too fatty. Plays it safe. I just think if you advertise pork belly, put the fat on my back!

Next door I got two pickles for $1 at Guss’ Pickles. Sour and pickled tomato. Nice snack.

An Choi – 85 Orchard St (btw Grand & Broome St) New York 10002
Guss’ Pickles – 87 Orchard St New York, NY 10022

backyard bbq

The Dragon’s Claw Premiere

Rob finished his animated video for my band Justice of the Unicorns and it is amazing. We had a grill out at Jody & Christa’s to screen it in full High Def. It was a lot of fun. I brought mini Japanese crab snacks and black bean Gorilla Boogers from Sunrise Mart. I ate quite a few of those crabs (they’re like salty/sweet crackers), not because I really enjoyed them but because I was amazed that you can eat them …especially the claws.

Update: Sam Shady says they sell these Gorilla Boogers – sweetened black beans in Japanese Zoos

The awesome Dragon’s Claw video by Robert Bruce