Both my bands (Tigers and Monkeys & Justice of the Unicorns) joined Strega to play at the 5th Ave Street Fair in Park Slope yesterday at Bar Reis. Had a great time. Ate my MozzArepa (corn arepa with mozzarella cheese in the middle). It’s one of those things that look really awesome and taste good for the first few bites, but then you gotta pass it off to a friend …I mean share. That’s what I did.
Met a new friend, Nimesh, who had his first oyster there and even had his first brunch earlier that day. And it’s not like he just moved to the States, he’s from New Jersey. Funny guy.
I think one the best things I saw at the fair besides tube socks was Chip Shop’s huge fish and chips for $6. I also got a deep fried mac n cheese. It tasted like gooey mac n cheese with fried batter on top. Why’s it gotta be fried? I guess why not.
Near the end of the day, Adam and I roamed around for some food and we came across some Peruvian chicken that Coco Roco was trying to get rid of, $3 end of the day special! I didn’t hear what the girl said and decided to look at some ribs I saw earlier down the street. Adam must’ve thought I was crazy to pass it up, but maybe he trusted me as the food blogger. We ran back to grab those last two $3 chickens. The green and orange sauces they have are awesome. When are people going to bottle these for me?
Ran into a lot of friends. Ate good food. Left a drum stool in front of S’Nice and had to walk all the way back to get it. Slammed a beer at Great Lakes. Came home pooped from all the grill smoke and beer. My coughs sound like I’m dying right now.
Also ran into photographer, Stefano Giovannini. Check out his rad photos at