chinese mexican

Yummy Taco – Greenpoint

We were watching some Gator football at Jody & Christa’s in Greenpoint. I asked about the Yummy Taco (Chinese run Tex-Mex) around the corner. Jody said it was yummy and mentioned that they have a Super Burrito that includes chicken, steak and shrimp ($6.99). That sound weird. So I had to try it.

I went in and it was like any other Chinese run Tex-Mex like Fresco Tortilla Grill or Super Taco Express in the city. They make their own flour tortillas fresh. This place, their machine looked pretty cool. A manual hand cranked squashing machine. I was nervous of taking a photo of it, because they looked nervous of me being in there.

I brought back a big bag of food –the Super Burrito, Nachos, and a Veggie Taco. They included those small red liquidy hot sauce containers like the other places. How did they all coordinate to do that? If I was them, I just put in hot sauce packets like at Chinese takeouts, since it seems easier. Oh! They should also do Chinese homemade hot mustard. That would be sick on that food …sick as in awesome.

The food tasted alright. Just like what you expect from Chinese Tex-Mex. Not amazing, but affordable and good enough. I love the fresh flour tortillas. The Super Burrito had huge ass  fried shrimp in there. Several of them. Pretty good deal with it packed with so much big shrimp.

Yummy Taco - 941 Manhattan Ave (btwn Java & Kent St) Brooklyn, NY 11222

chinese mexican

Fresco Tortilla Grill – Chinese Tex-Mex

Sam and I went to try the very first Fresco Tortilla …the first of the Chinese Tex-Mex fast food take-out joints. Their special combination platters at $5.79 plus tax is only 10cents more than the Super Taco Express I had a week earlier and comes with a free soda! I chose root beer. I also paid for a side of jalapeño peppers which helped spice up the iffy food. I don’t think the tortillas were as mind blowing as the Super Taco Express, but it was cool watching them use the tortilla machine. I was excited. Had a mouth boner.

Sam’s Shrimp Quesadilla looked really disappointing.

Fresco Tortilla – 36 Lexington Ave (btwn 23rd & 24th St) New York 10010


Super Taco Express – Chinese Tex-Mex

Sam Murakami: what’s for lunch?
chinolam: I want to eat some Tex-Mex food made by Chinese people.

I’ve been craving it since I read this interview with Andrew WK and how he used to eat at Fresco Tortilla everyday when he moved to NY. So we went to the nearby Super Taco Express. Looks just like a Chinese take-out spot, but with cheap looking Tex-Mex food instead. Once we walked in, this lady was yelling at the employees for checking her $100 bill she wanted to pay with. “I’m going to leave before I spit on all you Chinese people.” I don’t think she meant us though, because Sam is Japanese and I always think of myself as white.

Sam got the chicken and I got the steak & jalapeno special combination platter ($5.69 …$6.20 after tax). The flour tortillas were frickin amazing. I think it’s the grease on them that makes it taste so good. Definitely the best flour tortillas I can remember having. It made the so-so meat platter decent when I made them as tacos. You get two tortillas, but I think the platter has enough food to make 6-8 tacos.

If you were wondering how the Chinese started making Tex Mex in NY, here’s an old NYTimes article about the origins. Next up, Fresco Tortilla on Lex! I will remember to bring small bills.

Super Taco Express – 225 7th Ave (btwn 23rd & 24th St) New York, NY 10011