
My YouTube Terminated –HELP!!

[UPDATE: I was able to get my terminated YouTube account reinstated. It is possible if there is nothing wrong with your content or channel. Read below…]

Today, I found out that my YouTube channel had been terminated. The place where I uploaded videos to often compliment this food blog. Terminated without warning or reason. It’s odd because I was a partner and in Good Standing. Any copyright claims I had didn’t penalize my account (as the ad revenue went to the claimant) …and often times it would even be my own music that was flagged because I have companies that license it. So I don’t think it was a copyright claim, plus I figure I would get a warning if it was. Anyway, almost all of my videos are original content.

From my research (by Googling), I see that other people have had their legit channels terminated without warning. It seems like it’s mostly because of malicious people flagging their videos. I have a good feeling people were flagging my “Banned in the NBA (shoes)” video because it was very popular and the comments were filled with hate. Fortunately, there were also a lot of people defending me against the haters …people I don’t even know. It had over 1.7 million views and was generating a decent chunk of change that helped me pay the bills.

It’s surprising to me that a few kids who flag me for no other reason than to be spiteful can take down my whole channel (all the hard work and time I’ve put into my 300 or so videos) …so easily.  The termination email makes it sound like everything is deleted and I have no options and no way to create another account. But I’ve read and seen YouTube videos where people have been able to restore their terminated accounts through a slow, long and persistent process. So I’m am hopeful.

So this is an open letter to anyone that can help me get it back up. I figure somebody in the foodie world knows someone at Google/Youtube. My channel means a lot to me and creating weird/funny videos has been my focus the past few years. I feel like my contribution has been meaningful. Hopefully soon I can restore all that I ever worked on and continue to bring as much entertainment as I can through YouTube.

In the meantime while I freak out in the corner, here’s a photo of Fried Fish with Mashed Potatoes, Creamed Spinach and Corn Bread from Jimmy’s Diner in Brooklyn.

Fried Fish with mashed potatos and creamed spinach cornbread - Jimmy's Diner Brooklyn

I will update this post with news as I try to get my channel back up. Hopefully, it can help others that may unfortunately have the same thing happen.

UPDATE: I made a video compilation of all the swearing from my YouTube videos.

UPDATE UPDATE: YouTube reinstated my account! I am grateful and appreciative. I went to this page for help. Then there is a link at the bottom to appeal it. All it is is a form to submit your email address. They wrote back over a day later: “We have re-reviewed the circumstances of your suspension and have concluded it is appropriate to reinstate your account. This means your account is once again active and operational.” I didn’t have argue or anything like I have read other people having to do.

So if you ever get your YouTube terminated for no clear reason, no need to panic. It is possible to get it back. It just might take a while and might make you lose some hair on your head.

My thoughts: I feel like they should have real staff members review potential account terminations before they are terminated –to guard against malicious flagging. I can’t help if teenagers hate my guts. Or maybe if it has to be automated, then just temporarily block the specific video in question –not the whole channel. Then we can appeal that video without having everything else down.

I feel bad for this one lady who’s had her account terminated four times. Her videos are so non-threatening and clearly have nothing violating Community Guidelines or Terms of Service.